Whether you are reviewing and setting your annual sales and marketing plan, or if you.

Whether you are reviewing and setting your annual sales and marketing plan, or if you.

Whether you are reviewing and setting your annual sales and marketing plan, or if you.
Often it can be difficult for elderly people to chew and swallow their food and if this is the case, smoothies and juices can be the answer in terms of ensuring that your older relative gets the right level of vitamins and other nutrients in their diet
Certain smoothies and juices can be very helpful with specific ailments:
- Anti-ageing: juice grapes, blackcurrants and apple for make a delicious drink packed full of vitamin E and C, which are the most efficient vitamins for fighting against free radical damage, which cause ageing
- Heart and circulation: Juice blackcurrants with spinach, which is packed full of potassium,which helps to control blood pressure
- Anaemia: to restore iron levels, juice carrots, cabbage leaves and cucumber
- Prevent colds: by juicing carrots, garlic and parsley. The anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties of the garlic help to ward off colds
- Digestion: try juicing pineapple, plain yoghurt and a little water for a smoothie which will restore good bacteria in the gut. Particularly good after a bout of diarrhoea
- Urinary infections: juice cranberries and watermelon for a fabulous pink juice drink, which will help with urinary infections
- Prostrate problems: melons are gently diuretic and contain magnesium and potassium, which help to balance the hormonal system. Juice the melon with an apple and broccoli, the latter of which contains anti-cancer nutrients
- Joint pain: this can be alleviated by juicing leeks,which have great anti-inflammatory properties with carrots and parsley
- Anti-inflammatory: Leeks have great cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. Juice the leeks with apples and ginger, which will stimulate the circulation and can ease joint pain
- Constipation:juice tomatoes, spinach and carrots, which are all high in fibre and will help to relax the bowels