CRM Strategy

CRM Strategy

Knowing who your customers are, what they buy, when they buy it and how much they buy are invaluable pieces of information, which used correctly and innovatively, can help to build your business significantly. Some of this information sits on your POS systems, but there is often more pertinent information to gather and use intelligently. Some companies shy away from CRM, as they cannot see guaranteed returns on an initial investment, yet those who do invest in CRM and use it wisely will almost always glean huge rewards in terms of customer loyalty and sales. Mature Thinking has specific expertise in this field to help you target your older customers efficiently to maximise sales and lifetime value.

Whether you are reviewing and setting your annual sales and marketing plan, or if you.

Whether you are reviewing and setting your annual sales and marketing plan, or if you.

Whether you are reviewing and setting your annual sales and marketing plan, or if you.

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